The habit tracker app that creates effective habits that stick.

Turn your iPhone or iPad into a powerful assistant that learns your habits and nudges you when you need it most.
Habit SMART is a free and simple habit tracker. First, create any habits you like – good and bad. Then, spend a minute a day to log activities for the next four weeks and see how this little app can change your life.
Most habit trackers are not smart enough to make you change and stick to your habits. Other habit trackers use a tiny portion of what your device can do for you.
Habit SMART uses the iOS device to learn and become a proper helper, just like a real assistant.
- The Smart Habits app is absolutely free.
- Close your rings.
- Multiple times per day.
- Smart reminders.
- Nudges at the optimal time.
- Templates. A hand-picked selection of the most impactful habits.
- Groups. Morning, evening or any time
- Pause habits when you are on vacation.
- Reorder habits however you like
- Customise your habit with a giant emoji icon to make it more fun.
- Perfect day. Close all the rings to achieve a perfect day and earn a little reward.
- History of your activities.
- Siri and Shortcuts. Voice control the app and track habits without even opening the app.
The perfect app to track habits such as:
- Meditation
- Workouts
- Coffee
- Water
- Brush teeth
- Yoga
- Exercise
- Reading
Good and bad habits can be tracked easily. The app uses different colors so you can see the progress and completion .
See your daily progress with a large progress ring (just as you know it from the Apple Fitness app). Quickly move between days to see how you did previously and how you improved.
Check previous days in the historic view for each habit. Quickly get a sense of progress and catch up on missed habits.
The app is based on radical simplicity and has no bells or whistles—just a simple, easy, and practical app.
The SMART Habits app is the first app that can learn your habits and automatically reminds you when you fall behind. You don’t need to set reminders manually. Just log your habits for a few days and the app will be assisting you to keep on track.
Feature Details
Multiple Times a Day
Set a daily goal. Define how many times a day you want to do a habit. The habit progress ring closes when your daily goal is reached.Edit a habit to change the number of times per day. Tip: Reduce your goal anytime if you struggle to achieve it with consistency.
Create streaks with every completed habit and every perfect day.Build your chain of completed habits and perfect days. Try not to break the chains. A tiny flame indicates if you are on a streak for a habit. The streak for perfect days shows near the bottom of the list. Tip: Tap the perfect day link to see your awards.
Stop Bad Habits
Streaks can track how many days in a row you have avoided a bad habit.Try not to break the chains of days you have dodged a bad habit. A tiny flame indicates when you are on an avoidance streak for a bad habit. Note: Bad habits that have a daily limit will count as avoided when you stay below the limit (e.g.not more than 3x coffee is avoided when you only had 2x coffee)
Paused Habits
Pause a habit when you can’t do it that day. For example, when on vacation or sick, just put it on pause.Long-press habit to quickly change the group to Paused. Habits that are on pause will be moved to the paused group.
Group your Habits
Organize your habits in groups to keep you focused. There are groups for morning or evening habits.Long-press habit to edit it quickly and change the group.
Emoji Icons
Add a supersize emoji to your habit to make it more recognizable and fun. Customize the size or switch emojis off in the settings.Edit a habit to change the emoji. Tap Emojis to see a collection of s to choose from or add your own. Chose ‘None’ if you don’t want an icon for the habit. Go to settings to customize emoji sizes or switch all emojis off.
Charts & Statistics
Charts show your weekly and monthly progress. See which habits progress well and which habits need attention.Tap Statistics on the tap bar. Choose statistics charts for week or month.
Tips & Tricks
Get advice about how to improve your habits.The app will display helpful information when needed.
Collect Awards
Every’Perfect Day’ earns you an award. Gamify your habit forming.Tap the statistics text at the bottom of the list to see your awards.
Perfect Day
Complete all your habits for the day and track your perfect days.Tap the statistics text at the bottom of the list to see your perfect days.
SMART Reminders
After a few days of use, the app has learned your schedule and will remind you automatically.Join the SMART beta. Allow notifications. Check off habits as soon as you have done them. Tip: Use Siri shortcuts to log habist with your voice.
Go Back in Time
You can start a habit in the past.To start in the past, tap the calendar control at the top of the screen. Next, choose a date in the past. Finally, tick off the habit. The history will now go back to this date.
Morning Brief & Daily Summary
Every morning a notification will brief you on the habits for today. Every evening you get a summary of your day. Join the SMART beta to enable this feature.
Hand-picked templates for most impactful habits. Get started instantly with these pre-configured habits.Tap the big plus button.Tap Suggestions to browse the library of templates. Select a template, adjust the pre-populated values and save.
Siri Shortcuts
Voice control the app with Siri.Add a shortcut from the Habit details screen (e.g. Water).Say: “Hey Siri, log Water.” Water will now be ticked off in the app without needing to open it. Works with AppleWatch.
Customize Rings
Progress rings can be shown on the left or on the right.Go to settings to set preferences. Tip: Tap the ring to mark a habit as done.
Works on iPhone and iPad
Use the app on iPad or iPhone.
M1 Mac
The app works on M1 Mac.
Challenges make it easy to get started with curated habits. Collections of tough, easy or mindful habits let you focus on your overall life goal.Tap the plus button on the main screen. Then, tap the suggestions to see all habit templates. Tap Challenges.

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